Who can forget the first home they had built!! This TBT post takes me back to the first home I had built. It was 1996, Monee, IL. It was a small builder, who semi-customized things for you, so it was definitely a step above "cookie cutter". This floor plan called for gable ends, which I changed to a hip roof. It also called for a bump out at the front, narrow entry and no utility door from the garage to the yard. Because I was allowed to change some things, I created a flush front, gaining extra square footage in the bedrooms, moved the garage over 4 feet, widening the entry and created a hall closet at the front, added the octagon window at the entry, bayed all of the windows that I could, added lights on the side to break up that mass of brick and many interior items. This process can be exciting, frustrating, confusing and more all at the same time. Choosing flooring, fixtures, colors and everything that goes into a home from tiny samples and trying to envision the finished product is difficult, at best. What is so exciting is starting to see it all come together. This home was completed in 89 days. The builder said 90!! haha There were times I felt it would never get done, but by some miracle, it all came together. Once the home was completed, I designed the complete landscape, designed and assisted in the building of the patio benches, trellises and gas fire pit. This was going to be my last home...... I lied... and now I am here in Florida, living in my current..... last...... built..... home.

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